Literary Criticism and Bibliography
about Mozambican and Lusophone Writing

Dossier MZ-0056 [part 5]


This section of the dossier on Mozambican literature does not claim to present a balanced selection of critical analysis of Mozambican literature. It consists, rather, of some contributions in the popular press from the 1980s and early 1990s to debates around such issues as what Mozambican literary identity consisted of, a topic that was and remains controversial in the colonial and post-colonial periods. Nevertheless, there is often no tidy separation of writing in Portuguese into national categories (which is, of course, why the debate on moçambicanidade runs and runs). Of especial interest with regard to this issue is Patrick Chabal’s Vozes Moçambicanas: Literatura e Nacionalidade (Lisbon: Vega, 1994), 349 p.

A significant amount of bibliographic and critical work was published in the same period (the 1980s and 1990s) on Mozambican and Lusophone literature, and this page shows the covers of a selection of book-length studies in both English and Portuguese by such scholars as Donald Burness, Fernanda Cavacas, Patrick Chabal, Manuel Ferreira, Aldónio Gomes, Russel Hamilton, Alfredo Margarido, Fátima Mendonça, and Gerald Moser.

Sources of Criticism

África: Literature, Arte e Cultura. (Lisbon: Estampa, July 1978- ). No.1- .

Donald Burness. Fire: Six Writers from Angola, Mozambique and Cabo Verde (Washington DC: Three Continents Press, 1977), 148 p.

Patrick Chabal. Vozes Moçambicanas: Literatura e Nacionalidade (Lisbon: Vega, 1994), 349 p.

Patrick Chabal and others. The Post-Colonial Literature of Lusophone Africa (Johannesburg: Witwatersrand UP, 1996), 314 p.

Manuel Ferreira. Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa, 2nd ed. (Lisbon: Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa, 1986), 2 vols.

Russel G. Hamilton. Voices from an Empire: a History of Afro-Portuguese Literature (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975), 450 p.

Alfredo Margarido. Estudos sobre Literaturas das Nações Africanas de Língua Portuguesa (Lisbon: Regra do Jogo, 1980), 559 p.

Fátima Mendonça. Literatura Moçambicana: a História e as Escritas (Maputo: Faculdade de Letras, UEM, 1988. 119 p.

Reference Works

Aldónio Gomes and Fernanda Cavacas. Dicionário de Autores de Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa, 2nd ed. (Lisbon: Caminho, 1998), 454 p.

Gerald Moser and Manuel Ferreira. Bibliografia das Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1983), 405 p.

Gerald Moser and Manuel Ferreira. A New Bibliography of the Lusophone Literatures of Africa, 2nd ed. (London: Hans Zell, 1993), 432 p.

Fatima Mendonca

Above: the cover of Fátima Mendonça. Literatura Moçambicana: a História e as Escritas (Maputo: Faculdade de Letras, UEM, 1988. 119 p.


MHN Resources

April 1980
Manuel Ferreira. Dependência e individualidade nas literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa. Cadernos do Terceiro Mundo [Rio de Janeiro ] no.22 (April 1980), p.117-123. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 750 kb.

4 January 1981
Edmundo Manhiça; Onairda Sacate [pseud.] Literatura moçambicana: entrevista com um professor de português. Tempo [Maputo] no.534 (4 January 1981), p.50-54. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 767 kb. An interview with Luís Coelho, at the time a teacher of Portuguese at the Escola Secundária Francisco Manyanga in Beira.

18 October 1981
Jorge Sampaio. Quem, como e para quem escreve. Tempo [Maputo] no.575 (18 October 1981), p.56-57. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 484 kb. A contribution to a debate about Luís Carlos Patraquim’s volume Monção.

19 September 1982
Celestino Jorge. A literatura faz parte da cultura. Tempo [Maputo] no.623 (19 September 1982), p.8-9. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 388 kb. Report about a public lecture on 11 September by the Portuguese critic Manuel Ferreira, at the Centro «8 de Março» in Maputo.

18 January 1984
Manuel Ferreira: um apaixonada por África. Notícias [Maputo] (18 January 1984). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 299 kb.

1 July 1984
Maria Aparecida Santilli. Ressonâncias do modernismo brasileiro nas literaturas africanas de expressão portuguesa: Cabo Verde e Angola. Vida e Cultura [Luanda] no.154 (1 July 1984), p.2-4. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 837 kb.

Alfredo Margarido

Above: the cover of Alfredo Margarido. Estudos sobre Literaturas das Nações Africanas de Língua Portuguesa (Lisbon: Regra do Jogo, 1980), 559 p.

12 August 1984
Literatura africana de língua portuguesa: entrevista com Michel Laban, professor universitário na França. Domingo [Maputo] (12 August 1984). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 140 kb.

7 April 1985
Fátima Mendonça. Uma nação que já existe. Tempo [Maputo] no.756 (7 April 1985), p.42-44. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 726 kb. The first part of a conference paper originally entitled «O Conceito de Nação em José Craveirinha, Rui Knopfli e Sérgio Vieira» presented by Mendonça, a professor of literature at Eduardo Mondlane University, to a colloquium in Paris in late 1984.

14 April 1985
Fátima Mendonça. Uma nação que já existe. Tempo [Maputo] no.757 (14 April 1985), p.48-49. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 172 kb. The second part of the conference paper originally entitled «O Conceito de Nação em José Craveirinha, Rui Knopfli e Sérgio Vieira» presented by Mendonça, a professor of literature at Eduardo Mondlane University, to a colloquium in Paris in late 1984.

21 April 1985
Fátima Mendonça. Uma nação que já existe. Tempo [Maputo] no.758 (21 April 1985), p.42-44. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 227 kb. The third and last part of a conference paper originally entitled «O Conceito de Nação em José Craveirinha, Rui Knopfli e Sérgio Vieira» presented by Mendonça, a professor of literature at Eduardo Mondlane University, to a colloquium in Paris in late 1984.

26 May 1985
Ana Mafalda Leite. Aproximação à moçambicanidade. Tempo [Maputo] no.763 (26 May 1985), p.44-46. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 332 kb.

18 June 1985
Arlindo Lopes. Literatura nacional necessita do reconhecimento universal, frisam literatos portugueses que visitaram Moçambique. Notícias [Maputo] (18 June 1985). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 370 kb. A report on a visit to Mozambique by the Portuguese diplomat and writer José Fernandes Fafe (1927- ) and the journalist and academic Diogo Pires Aurélio, of the New University in Lisbon.

7 July 1985
Fátima Mendonça. Literatura moçambicana: que é? Tempo [Maputo] no.769 (7 July 1985), p.34-36. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 549 kb. A response to Ana Mafalda Leite’s article [see above].

1 December 1985
Teresa de Sá Nogueira. O esforço de muito analisar: Manuel Ferreira fala da literatura nossa. Tempo [Maputo] no.790 (1 December 1985), p.42-45. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 631 kb.

12 January 1986
B. Xavier. Alguns aspectos sobre crítica literária. Tempo [Maputo] no.796 (12 January 1986), p.53-54. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 334 kb. The first part of a four-part essay on literary criticism.

19 January 1986
B. Xavier. Alguns aspectos sobre crítica literária. Tempo [Maputo] no.797 (19 January 1986), p.50-52. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 400 kb. The second part of a four-part essay on literary criticism.

26 January 1986
B. Xavier. Alguns aspectos sobre crítica literária. Tempo [Maputo] no.798 (26 January 1986), p.46-49. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 654 kb. The third part of a four-part essay on literary criticism.

2 February 1986
B. Xavier. Alguns aspectos sobre crítica literária. Tempo [Maputo] no.799 (2 February 1986), p.50-52. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 346 kb. The first part of a four-part essay on literary criticism.

17 August 1986
Marcelo Panguana. Críticas do outro lado do mar. Tempo [Maputo] (17 August 1986), p.45-47. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 781 kb. The cultural-literary journal «África» reviewed works by Luís Carlos Patraquim, Albino Magaia, Eduardo White and Juvenal Bucuane; Panguana responds.

29 March 1987
Almiro Santos. A propósito de um debate: afinal quem é o poeta moçambicano? Domingo [Maputo] (29 March 1987). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 129 kb.

3 October 1987
Literatura moçambicana: origens de uma literatura original. Diário de Moçambique [Beira] (3 October 1987). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 147 kb. Reprinting an article originally published in the literary journal «Xiphefo» no.0 [sic], August 1987.

27 December 1987
Dulce Tupy. O destino de construir uma literatura: um novo humanismo. Tempo [Maputo] no.898 (27 December 1987), p.41-44. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 688 kb.

Spring 1988
Gerhard Liesegang. Trust your feet in Mozambique. Southern African Review of Books [London] (Spring 1988), p.34-35. In English. Click here to download a PDF file, size 949 kb. Reviews works by Albino Magaia, Lina Magaia, Ungulani ba ka Khosa, Bento Sitoe, Mia Couto and Marcelo Panguana.

27 May 1988-2 June 1988
Moçambique 1925-1975. O Jornal [ Lisbon] (27 May 1988-2 June 1988). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 28 kb. Report that Fátima Mendonça has published an article in «Cadernos do Povo» [Braga], number 2-4, in which she periodises Mozambican literature from 1925 – the year of publication of Albasini’s O Livro da Dor – into three main phases.

14 August 1988
Lúcia Liba Mucznic. Nacionalidade literária. Tempo [Maputo] no.931 (14 August 1988). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 297 kb.

18 December 1988
Hélder Muteia. Dinâmica da oralidade fica estática na oralidade: Russel Hamilton. Domingo [Maputo] (18 December 1988). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 412 kb. An interview with the US academic and literary critic Russel Hamilton.

Dicionário de Autores de Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa

Above: the cover of the first edition of Gerald Moser and Manuel Ferreira. Bibliografia das Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1983), 405 p.

Ilídio Rocha. Sobre as origens de uma literatura africana de expressão portuguesa: raízes e consciencialização. In: Les littératures africaines de langue portugaise: a la recherche de l’identité individuelle et nationale (Paris: Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989), pages 407-416. In Portuguese. The volume is the proceedings of a Colóquio Internacional held at the Centro Cultural Português in Paris between 28 November and 1 December 1984. Click here to download a PDF file, size 1.4 Mb.

15 January 1989
Nelson Saúte. Russel Hamilton: a literatura moçambicana procura novos discursos para novos contextos. Tempo [Maputo] no.953 (15 January 1989), p.39-42. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 416 kb.

July 1989
Pires Laranjeira. Questões da formação das literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa. Revista Colóquio/Letras [Lisbon] no.110-111 (July 1989), p.66-73. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 771 kb.

3 September 1989
Tomé Sengane. Quem é o escritor moçambicano? Ou, a ressureição de uma polémica que nunca morreu. Domingo [Maputo] (3 September 1989). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 195 kb.

13 December 1989
Hélder Muteia. Quem é o escritor moçambicano? Domingo [Maputo] (13 December 1989). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 470 kb.

21 January 1990
Afonso Santos. A querela necessária da nacionalidade literária. Tempo [Maputo] (21 January 1990), p.48-51. In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 252 kb. The second part of a three-part article. MHN does not have the first or third parts available at this time.

3 June 1990
Hélder Muteia. O nosso universo literário e o conceito de enraizamento. Domingo [Maputo] (3 June 1990). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 437 kb.

8 August 1992
[Short untitled book review]. Expresso [ Lisbon] (8 August 1992 ). In Portuguese. Click here to download a PDF file, size 100 kb. Review of the book «Literatura e poder na África lusófona» by José Carlos Venâncio (ICALP, 1992).

April 1993-30 June 1993
Russel George Hamilton. Existe-t-il encore une littérature africaine portugaise? Notre Librairie [Paris] no.113 (April 1993-30 June 1993), p.90-95. In French. Click here to download a PDF file, size 721 kb.

October 1993-31 December 1993
Pires Laranjeira. [Untitled book review]. Notre Librairie [Paris] no.115 (October 1993-31 December 1993), p.125-126. In French. Click here to download a PDF file, size 142 kb. Review of the volume Les littératures africaines de langue portugaise: à la recherche de l’identité individuelle et nationale published by the Gulbenkian Foundation in Paris in 1985, eight years earlier.
