Dossier MZ-0020
Above: A photograph of Sebastião Mabote during the armed struggle for national independence in the 1970s. In 1984 Mabote was active a commander of operations against the MNR in the provinces and was successful in pushing the rebels back.
A workshop to manufacture artificial limbs, to be set up in Beira, was discussed by the Hospital Central of that city and the Red Cross. Local manufacture had become necessary because of the number of people injured by the conflict, especially rural people who stepped on landmines.
General Sebastião Mabote visited Macasse in Zambézia, and told soldiers that their priority task after recapturing a locality should be to help with the physical reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure.
Click on the yellow folder image below to download an unsorted zipped archive of documents and press clippings in PDF format concerning the armed conflict between Renamo/MNR and the Mozambican government in November 1983.