The Conflict with Renamo, 1976-1992
«January 1992»

Dossier MZ-0020


1977 1978 September Blank


143. Renamo Fighters Parachute in from Malawi;
Was a Chemical Weapon used at Ngungwe?

US paratroopers

Stock photoraph of a military parachute drop, by Sgt. Gin-Sophie De Bellotte.

The main story at month's end was the allegation that Renamo had used a chemical weapon of some sort during an engagement close to the South African border in the extreme south of the country. See subsequent pages in this series for further development of the story, including a UN special inquiry. At the other end of the scale of military technology, it was also reported that in Nampula fighters - presumably Naparama - were using bows-and-arrows and assegais (short stabbing spears) in attacks near Ribáuè. It was also reported that trained Renamo fighters had begun to arrive by parachute drops in Manica and Sofala, with the flights originating in neighbouring Malawi. One large Renamo group in Nampula numbered 300 men.

Multiple engagements were reported throughout the month, with loss of life. One clash in November 1991 between members of the AGITRAN militia, tasked with protecting the AGRICOM transport system, and a group belonging to the Companhia Industrial de Monapo, resulted in the arrest in January of the AGITRAN commander, Assumane Langton, an army officer and struggle veteran. The case provoked a minor scandal in Nampula, with some popular support being shown for the arrested officer.


Consolidated Downloadable Zipped Files

Click on the yellow folder image below to download an unsorted zipped archive of documents and press clippings in PDF format concerning the armed conflict between Renamo/MNR and the Mozambican government in April 1992.

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