Dossier MZ-0071
Above: The central hospital in Maputo. Before independence in 1975, this facility consumed one-third of the colony’s entire health budget; there were approximately 100 doctors remaining after the Portuguese settler exodus.
This dossier, part of a series on health issues, contains local press reports from 1976 to 1996 on the following illnesses and conditions, many of them endemic to Mozambique: blindness, bloody diarrhoea (dysentery), bubonic plague, dementia, food poisoning, leprosy (Hansen’s disease), malaria (Portuguese: paludismo), measles (Portuguese: sarampo), mental health, rabies (Portuguese: raiva), scabies (Portuguese: sarna), schistosomiasis (bilharzia), smallpox, tuberculosis, and typhoid.
Note: cholera and aids were the subject of more intensive reporting in the 1970s to the mid-1990s, and therefore have their own dossiers, which are not yet available.
Click on the yellow folder image below to download a zipped archive of documents and press clippings in PDF format concerning the illnesses mentioned above. This dossier contains 63 documents and is dated 27 February 2021. It may be updated with additional materials from time to time.