Samora Machel's Speeches, 1974-1986



Blank button Following Year

These pages include the full texts, organised year-by-year and as published primarily in contemporary Mozambican newspapers and magazines, of some of the speeches of the late President Samora Moisés Machel.

Samora Machel Photograph

Please note that MHN does NOT claim that this is by any means a complete collection of Machel's speeches and public utterances. Additional resources will be added to these pages from time to time. Any substantial additions will be announced on MHN's Facebook page.

MHN Resources
(in chronological order)

5 January 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Discurso do Presidente Samora Machel ao Corpo Diplomático acreditado em Moçambique. In: Notícias [Maputo], 6 January 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976. Click here to download a PDF file, size 418 kb.

6 January 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Ao contribuirmos para o MPLA reforçamos a nossa independência, declarou o Presidente Samora Machel ao receber os donativos para o movimento angolano. In: Notícias [Maputo], 7 January 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976. Click here to download a PDF file, size 309 kb.

17 January 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. É tempo de que a voz da África se erga para condenar a invasão estrangeira de Angola, declarou o Presidente Samora Machel em Adis-Abeba. In: Notícias [Maputo], 17 January 1976. Click here to download a searchable PDF file, size 1.2 Mb. For a smaller, lower quality PDF reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 11-16, click here (size 515 kb).

18 January 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Presidente Samora Machel na Assembleia Extraordinária da OUA: lutamos pela unidade mas não aceitamos unirmo-nos ao inimigo. In: Notícias [Maputo], 18 January 1976. Machel’s first speech at the Extraordinary Session of the OAU. Click here to download a searchable PDF file, size 704 kb. For a smaller, lower quality PDF reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 17-19, click here.

20 January 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A África é chamada a elevar a sua unidade para expulsar definitivamente o imperialismo: Presidente Samora Machel na sessão inaugural do Comité Coordenador para a Libertação de África. In: Notícias [Maputo], 17 January 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976. Machel’s second speech at the Extraordinary Session of the OAU, to the Liberation Committee. Click here to download a PDF file, size 489 kb. For a typescript version of the same speech prepared by FRELIMO (7 pages), click here to download a PDF file, size 463 kb.

25 January 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Autenticidade Africana deve caractizar-se pela resistência ao inimigo. In: Notícias [Maputo], 25 January 1976. Remarks on Angola. Click here, to download a PDF file, size 82 kb.

5 February 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Discurso do Presidente Samora Machel do dia dos heróis moçambicanos. In: Notícias [Maputo], 5 February 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 27-42. Click here to download a PDF file, size 1.4 Mb.

11 February 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Discurso do Presidente Samora Machel no acto de abertura da 8.ª sessão do Comité Central da FRELIMO. In: Documentos da 8.ª Sessão do Comité Central da FRELIMO (Maputo: DTP, 1976), pages 7-23, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 43-54. Click here to download a PDF file, size 766 kb.

27 February 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Ofensiva política e organizacional generalizada na frente da produção: discurso do Presidente Samora Machel no acto de encerramento da 8ª. Sessão do Comité Central. In: Documentos da 8.ª Sessão do Comité Central da FRELIMO (Maputo: DTP, 1976), pages 131-145, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 55-65. Click here to download a PDF file, size 670 kb.

Samora Machel announces closure of Zimbabwe border

Above: President Samora Machel announces the decision to close Mozambique’s border with white-minority-ruled Rhodesia on 3 March 1976. This principled decision was to have grave economic and other costs for Mozambique

3 March 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Hoje de novo a FRELIMO chama o povo para defender a pátria atacada: Presidente da República em comunicação ao país sobre as agressões a Moçambique das tropas racistas da Rodésia. In: Notícias [Maputo], 3 March 1976. Speech announcing the closure of the frontier with minority-ruled Rhodesia. Click here to download a searchable PDF file, size 1.8 Mb. Also published as “Devemos defender a nossa patria atacada; devemos apoiar o combate justo do povo do Zimbabwe,” in: Tempo [Maputo], no.283, 7 March 1976, pages 1-7. Click here to download a searchable PDF file, size 609 kb. For a smaller PDF file consisting of a CEDIMO transcript from an audio recording [obido directamente por gravação], reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 55-65, click here (457 kb.)

8 March 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A nossa tarefa actual é apoiar a luta do Zimbabwe. In: Notícias [Maputo], 8 March 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 75-77. Speech at a comício in Chokwè. Click here to download a PDF file, size 234 kb.

8 March 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Quando se ataca o inimigo é para destruí-lo: entrevista concedida pelo Presidente Samora à revista Tercer Mundo. In: Tempo no.283, 7 March 1976, pages 41-46. Click here to download a PDF file, size 484 kb.

19 March 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Presidente Samora Machel na Moamba: queremos as cidades rurais que sirvam o povo. In: Notícias [Maputo], 19 March 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, page 79. Off the cuff remarks at a meeting in Moamba on Wednesday 17 March. Click here to download a PDF file, size 128 kb.

Citation and Photograph Citation and Photograph

Above: Two covers from CEDIMO's series of collections of the President's speeches. CEDIMO, the Mozambican state documentation centre, published six-monthly collections of the speeches of President Machel, often but not always using carefully reassembled paragraphs from much larger newspaper pages, cut into columns and pasted onto A4 sheets. Many of the items on this and following pages are taken from the CEDIMO collections.

27 March 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Em conferência de imprensa, análise da situação política pelo Presidente Samora Machel. In: Notícias [Maputo], 27 March 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 81-87. Click here to download a PDF file, size 812 kb.

28 March 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Samora Machel ao Observer: luta revolucionária no Zimbabwe permitirá divórcio com o capitalism. An interview with David Martin, published in the British Sunday newspaper The Observer. In: Notícias [Maputo], 28 March 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 89-90. Click here to download a PDF file, size 287 kb.

1 April 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Definir o inimigo da mulher: reunião do Presidente Samora com elementos da OMM. In: Tempo [Maputo], no. 288, 11 April 1976, pages 14-21. To view or download the full text of the speech, click here, size 1.6 Mb. This speech, at a meeting with 300 OMM members from Maputo province, was also published in Notícias as “Presidente Samora analisa situação da mulher,” Notícias [Maputo], 1 April 1976. To access this version, click here, size 1.0 Mb.

Chipande, Samora, Deolinda

Above: President Samora Machel (centre) speaking at the meeting of 300 OMM members from Maputo Province in April 1976. Some of the women in other photographs of this meeting are in uniform and are presumably members of the Destacamento Feminino. On the left in the picture is Alberto Chipande, and on the far right is the then secretary-general of the OMM, Deolinda Guezimane, a former member of LIFEMO and of the Destacamento Feminino. She was abruptly sacked, with her coordinating council, in September 1976.

4 April 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Conferência de imprensa concedida pelo Presidente Samora à imprensa Internacional. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.287, 4 April 1976, pages 28-35 To view or download a PDF file, click here, size 3.6 Mb.

Chissano, Samora, Rebelo

Above: President Samora Machel (centre) At the press conference for foreign journalists. On his left is Joaquim Chissano, at the time Minister of Foreign Affairs, and on his right, Jorge Rebelo.

9 April 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Mulher moçambicana deve participar na luta de classes e na produção: Presidente Samora Machel em mensagem ao país alusiva ao 7 de Abril. In: Notícias [Maputo], 9 April 1976. For a searchable PDF file, click here, size 1.1 Mb. For a smaller PDF, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (40), 8 November 1976, pages 97-101, click here (458 kb.)

18 April 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A qualidade primeira da revolução é a transformação profunda da sociedade: Presidente Samora Machel em entrevista ao jornalista francês René Lefort. In: Notícias [Maputo], 29 April 1976. Note that MHN’s copy of the original clipping is incomplete, but the CEDIMO version is the full text. Click here to download the original (549 kb.), and for the version reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 9-11, click here (201 kb.)

21 April 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Internacionalismo da Zâmbia a todos deve inspirar e estimular: Presidente Samora Machel, no Banquete em honra do Presidente Kenneth Kaunda. In: Notícias [Maputo], 21 April 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 4-5. Click here to view or download the file (142 kb.)

Kaunda visit to Mozambique, 1976

Above: President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia (left, waving) with Samora Machel during his state visit to Mozambique in April 1976.

23 April 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Discurso do Presidente Samora Machel no Estádio da Machava aquando da visita de Kenneth Kaunda: herói é quem dedica à vida ao serviço do povo. In: Notícias [Maputo], 23 April 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 5-7. Click here to view or download the file (287 kb.)

1 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A classe trabalhadora deve conquistar e exercer o poder na frente da ciência e da cultura. In: Notícias [Maputo], 3 May 1976, pages 2, 11-12. Click here to download the original (4.6 Mb.) For a version reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 13-28, click here (1.1 Mb.)

1 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A classe trabalhadora deve conquistar e exercer o poder na frente da ciência e da cultura. Maputo: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 1976. 23 pages. A pamphlet edition published by the university.Click here to download the pamphlet edition, size 681 kb.

UEM Capa

Above: The cover of the pamphlet edition of Machel's First of May speech at Eduardo Mondlane University, with the face of Eduardo Mondlane on the cover.

10 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A tarefa das FPLM é defender os explorados: Presidente Samora na cerimônia de encerramento do Curso de Preparação Político-Militar de Boane. In: Notícias [Maputo], 10 May 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 29-30. Click here to view or download the file (181 kb.)

10 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Terminou Iº. Curso da Escola do Partido: alocução do Presidente da FRELIMO aos novos quadros formados. In: Notícias [Maputo], 10 May 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 31-35. Click here to view or download the file (400 kb.)

17 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Une interview exclusive du President Samora Machel: «notre tâche principale: batir une société. In: Afrique-Asie [Paris], no.109, 17 May 1976, pages iv-xi. Propos recueillis par Pietro Petrucci. A Portuguese translation was published in Notícias on 22 May (see below for a link). Click here to view or download the file (1.7 Mb.) The interview was also published in German translation as Unser wichtigste Ziel: der Aufbau einer neuen Gesellschaft: Excklusivinterview mit Samora Machel (Bonn: ISSA, June 1976), 8 pages. This version is not listed by Souto and Sopa. Click here to view or download a PDF file, size 724 kb. S.S.B.675.

17 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Estabelecemos uma estratégia de ruptura com a dominação capitalista e imperialista: Presidente Samora Machel em entrevista a agências noticiosas soviéticas. In: Notícias [Maputo], 17 May 1976. An interview with Soviet news agencies. Note that MHN’s copy of the original clipping is incomplete, but the CEDIMO version is the full text. Click here to download the original (2.4 Mb.), and for the version reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 37-41, click here (471 kb.)

18 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Queremos edificar relação exemplar entre Moçambique e a União Soviética. In: Notícias [Maputo], 18 May 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 43-48. A formal speech delivered at a state banquet held in the Kremlin in Moscow. Click here to view or download the file (795 kb.)

22 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. O segredo da FRELIMO: problema ideológico é fundamental no desenvolvimento da nossa luta. Presidente Samora Machel à revista Afrique-Asie. In: Notícias [Maputo], 22 May 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 49-56. A Portuguese translation of the interview in French that is listed above. Click here to view or download the file (875 kb.)

24 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Vimos a transformação e crescimento de um povo: Presidente Samora ao analisar Viagem à URSS. In: Notícias [Maputo], 24 May 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 57-59. Click here to view or download the file (169 kb.)

24 May 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. No 13º. aniversário da OUA, a independência só existirá com a libertação económica: mensagem ao povo moçambicano do Presidente Samora Moisés Machel. In: Notícias [Maputo], 24 May 1976, front page lead story. Click here to download a searchable PDF file (970 kb.). For a smaller version reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 61-64, click here (257 kb.)

1 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Extractos do discurso do Presidente Samora Machel na Cadeia Central da Machava: necessidade de reestruturação do sistema prisional salientada pelo Presidente Samora Moisés Machel. In: Notícias [Maputo], I June 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 65-67. Click here to view or download the file (226 kb.)

5 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Na luta de libertação económica temos que nos apoiar mutuamente, afirmou o Presidente Samora Machel na inauguração da Feira Internacional de Saba-Saba. In: Notícias [Maputo], 5 June 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 69-70. The “Saba-Saba” trade fair has been held annually in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, since 1963. It traditionally opens on 7 July (hence the name), the date of the founding of TANU in 1954. Click here to view or download the file (134 kb.)

8 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A luta do povo da Guiné-Bissau enquadra-se no combate à opressão: Samora Machel ao povo guineense. In: Notícias [Maputo], 8 June 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 71-73. This is a news report that includes significant passages from the speech. Click here to view or download the file (189 kb.)

9 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Reafirmada solidariedade entre FRELIMO e PAIGC: visita de Samora Machel à Guiné-Bissau. In: Notícias [Maputo], 9 June 1976. A news report incorporating the text of a short speech. Click here to view or download a searchable PDF file (811 kb.)

Luís Cabral

Above: Luís de Almeida Cabral (1931-2009), who received Samora Machel during his visit to the country, was the first president of Guiné-Bissau, from 1973 until 1980, when he was deposed in a coup. He was the half-brother of Amílcar Cabral,

10 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Visita presidencial à Guiné-Bissau: luta justa conduzida pelo PAIGC contribuiu para a vitória em Moçambique. Presidente Samora Machel na terra natal de Amílcar Cabral. In: Notícias [Maputo], 10 June 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 75-77. Click here to view or download the file (240 kb.)

12 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. OUA deve ser instrumento de luta da África na fase da revolução: Presidente Samora, em Conackry [sic]. In: Notícias [Maputo], 12 June 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 79-82. Click here to view or download the file (362 kb.)

15 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Redefinir quais as tarefas da OUA face à actual situação em África: Samora Machel à informação durante a viagem de regresso. In: Notícias [Maputo], 15 June 1976, reproduced from Doc. Inf. B. Moçamb. (41), 22 November 1976, pages 83-84. Click here to view or download the file (159 kb.)

27 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Estamos a destruir um estado concebido pelo colonialismo: Samora Machel no início do segundo ano de independência no Estádio da Machava. In: Notícias [Maputo], 27 June 1976. Click here to view or download a searchable PDF file (2.1 Mb.)

27 June 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Improviso do Presidente Samora. In: Notícias [Maputo], 27 June 1976. Remarks at the inauguration of the national headquarters of FRELIMO. Click here to view or download a searchable PDF file, size 307 kb.

6 July 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. As instalações que vos entregamos são instrumentos de Liberdade: Presidente Samora Machel na cerimónia da entrega à TANU do Instituto Moçambicano, da Escola Secundária de Bagamoyo, do Hospital Américo Boavida, e do Centro Educacional de Tunduru. In: Notícias [Maputo], 6 July 1976, page 2. Note that the speech continues on page 5, but that page is missing in MHN’s copy. Click here to view or download the file (159 kb.)

7 August 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. A unidade nacional é a nossa força: Samora Machel em Ancuabe. In: Notícias [Maputo], 7 August 1976. Click here to view or download the file (744 kb.)

18 July 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. O povo aceita o convite de Smith: o inimigo pode imitar tudo menos a vida do povo. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.302, 18 July 1976, pages 43-47. This text, a speech in the Praça dos Heróis in Maputo dealing with Rhodesian aggression, was first published in part in Tempo no.301 on 11 July, but apparently included some errors. To view or download a PDF file, click here, size 707 kb.

29 August 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Intervenção do Presidente Samora na conferência: Moçambique opõe-se sem excepções a qualquer presença bélica no Oceano Índico. In: Tempo [Maputo], no. 308, 29 August 1976, pages 38-45. Speech to the fifth summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. Click here to view or download the file (821 kb.)

The Wilfred Burchett Interview

Wilfred Burchett

Above: Wilfred Burchett (1911-1983) was a left-wing Australian journalist who was mainly known for reporting on the Vietnam war. His interview with Samora Machel was published in the Portuguese newspaper Diário de Lisboa, and later partially in the Mozambican weekly Tempo.

22 August 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Entrevista com o Presidente Samora por Wilfred Burchet. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.307, 22 August 1976, pages 41-42. Click here to view or download the file, size 348 kb.

1-7 September 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Entrevista com Samora Machel por Wilfred Burchett. 1: Moçambique hoje: entrevista com Samora Machel. In: Diário de Lisboa, 1 September 1976, pages 3-4; 2: Moçambique hoje: Samora Machel e a revolução na África Austral. In: Diário de Lisboa, 2 September 1976, pages 3-4; 3: Moçambique hoje: Samora Machel e a revolução na África Austral. In: Diário de Lisboa, 3 September 1976, pages 3-4; 4: Moçambique hoje: Samora Machel e a revolução na África Austral. In: Diário de Lisboa, 4 September 1976, pages 3-4 (misnumbered as part 2); 5: Moçambique hoje: Escolas para uma nova sociedade. In: Diário de Lisboa, 6 September 1976, pages 3-4; 6: Moçambique hoje: a revolução verde em Moçambique In: Diário de Lisboa, 7 September 1976, pages 3-4. Click here to view or download a consolidated PDF file of all six parts, size 954 kb.

12 September 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Samora Machel e a revolução na África Austral: entrevista de Wilfred Burchet [sic]. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.310, 12 September 1976, pages 18-23. Click here to view or download the file, size 1.9 Mb.


2 October 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Luta armada no Zimbabwe termina com independência, afirma o Presidente Samora Machel em entrevista à BBC. In: Notícias [Maputo], 2 October 1976, back page. Click here to view or download the file (1.2 Mb.) Also published in Tempo: “O combate no Zimbabwe só cessa quando for alcançada a independência total e complete,” Tempo [Maputo], no.314, 10 October 1976, pages 55-57. Click here to view or download the file, size 1.0 Mb.

13 October 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Unir, organizar e disciplinar classe operária moçambicana: Presidente Samora Machel na reunião de ontem com trabalhadores de Maputo. In: Notícias [Maputo], 14 October 1976, pages 3-6. Click here to view or download the file (size 3.7 Mb.) Also published as “Organizar a classe operária para a grande ofensiva de produção,” Tempo [Maputo], no.316, 24 October 1976, pages 16-28, click here to view or download a PDF of this text, size 1.4 Mb. This long speech was also retyped as a mimeographed document of the Instituto de Crédito de Moçambique by its internal Centro de Documentação e Informação (later CEDIMO), for distribution to bank workers. Citation: Unir, organizar e disciplinar a classe operária moçambicana (Maputo: CDI/ICM, 22 October 1976), 26 pages ( Click here to view or download a PDF of this text, size 1.2 Mb.

1 November 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Nossa tarefa é construção do socialismo. In: Notícias [Maputo], 5 November 1976, pages 6-7. Speech at the closing of the Seminário Nacional de Preparação do III Congresso da FRELIMO. Click here to view or download the file (3.8 Mb.) S.S. 119

Samora Machel no Hospital Central do Maputo

Above: Presient Samora Machel (left of the picture) speaking to a patient in the central hospital during his visit in October 1976. Helder Martins, then Minister of Health, is two places to Machel’s left, looking on.

17 October 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Desmantelar estruturas coloniais e criar estruturas de cáracter colectivo e democrático para colocar o hospital ao serviço do povo: Presidente Samora reuniu com trabalhadores do Hospital Central do Maputo. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.315, 17 October 1976, pages 16-27. Click here to view or download the file, size 1.4 Mb.

15 December 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Juventude: o centro da batalha. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.325, 26 December 1976, pages 42-48. Speech to an audience of over 1,000 young people from all over the country, at the Escola Secundária «Josina Machel». Click here to view or download the file, size 763 kb.

26 December 1976
Samora Moisés Machel. Presidente Samora entrevistado por orgãos centrais de PC europeus: a luta das classes trabalhadoras é para derrubar a burguesia. In: Tempo [Maputo], no.325, 26 December 1976, pages 51-56. Click here to view or download the file (876 kb.)

