The Conflict with Renamo, 1976-1992
«September 1982»

Dossier MZ-0020


1977 1978 September 1981


31. Adriano Bomba Leaves
the SADF, Joins RENAMO

Xiconhoca cartoon

Above: A Xiconhoca cartoon showing the povo chasing a dissolute Xico out of Mozambique. He has stolen a goat and a chicken. The banner reads "We don't want bandits in our motherland".

A Mozambican military spokesperson announced that since the beginning of the year the FPLM had killed 777 armed bandits, wounded 35, and captured 194 in various operations in different central and southern provinces. In the same operations 42 MNR camps were captured and destroyed, of which the principal ones were Gorongosa, Mossurize and Garágua, which had been a command centre.

There was extensive press coverage of former Mozambican air force pilot Adriano Bomba's decision to "leave" the employ of the SADF and join the MNR. Bomba had defected in July 1981 in his MiG fighter aircraft, but had not been seen or heard of for several months. His sudden reappearance in the ranks of the MNR caused some speculation that the move might have been part of ongoing clandestine South African support for the rebels, in the hope of destabilising Mozambique.


Consolidated Downloadable Zipped Files

Click on the yellow folder image below to download an unsorted zipped archive of documents and press clippings in PDF format concerning the armed conflict between Renamo/MNR and the Mozambican government in September 1982.

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