Mozambique's International
Relations with South Africa

Dossier MZ-0007, part 6, Photo Gallery




6a. The Ceremonial Signing of the
Nkomati Accord, 16-18 March 1984

Photo Gallery

Panoramic view of Nkomati signing ceremony

Above: A panoramic view of the installations at the Nkomati River, where the ceremonial signing of the Nkomati Accord took place on 16 March 1984.

Above: President Samora Machel and P. W. Botha at the Nkomati signing ceremony. Below: The “first ladies”, Graça Machel (b.1945) and Elise Botha (1922-1997) at the Nkomati ceremony.

Graça Machel and Elise Botha at Nkomati

Harry Oppenheimer arriving at the Nkomati signing ceremony, March 1984

Above: Invited guests arriving at the site of the Nkomati Accord signing ceremony on the banks of the Nkomati river (the South African industrialist Harry Oppenheimer is on the far right in the picture). Below: A Mozambican female cultural group awaiting their turn to perform.

Mozambican cultural group with flowers

Spectators at Nkomati Accord signing ceremony

Above: Invited spectators sitting in the sun during the Nkomati Accord signing ceremony, which ran from 10h00 in the morning until 14h20 in the afternoon. Below: South African invitees sheltering under parasols, but nevertheless apparently in cheerful mood.

South African Spectators at Nkomati Accord signing ceremony
