An English edition of the first two numbers of Estudos Mo;ambicanos was published in Amsterdam in 1980 and 1981 by the Holland Committee on Southern Africa together with the Mondlane Foundation, under the title Mozambican Studies, with the ISSN 0167-9600. As far as MHN is aware, only issues no.1 and no.2 were ever produced. Articles originally written in Portuguese were translated into English; articles written in English were published in their original form. Links to PDF files of these English-language versions are provided below. For a general introduction to the Dutch project, click here.
◊ Aquino de Bragança; Ruth First. Editorial: do chibalo à libertação da África Austral. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 2-8. Click here to download a PDF file, size 490 kb. Also published as "From chibalo to the liberation of South Africa," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 2-8. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 74 kb.
◊ Jeanne Penvenne. Chibalo e classe operária: Lourenço Marques, 1870-1962. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 9-22. Click here to download a PDF file, size 1.2 Mb. Also published as "Chibalo and the working class: Lourenço Marques, 1870-1962," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 9-25. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 179 kb.
◊ Judith Head; Alpheus Manghezi. O trabalho forçado por quem o viveu: entrevistas. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 23-32. Click here to download a PDF file, size 537 kb. Also published as "Forced labour by those who lived through it: interviews," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 26-35. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 104 kb.
◊ Kurt Habermeier. Algodão: das concentrações à produção colectiva. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 33-52. Click here to download a PDF file, size 1.3 Mb. Also published as "Cotton: from concentrations to collective production," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 36-57. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 236 kb.
◊ Issufu Adamo; Robert Davies; Judith Head. Mão-de-obra moçambicana na Rodésia do Sul. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 53-72. Click here to download a PDF file, size 896 kb. Also published as "Mozambican labour to Rhodesia," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 58-70. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 142 kb.
◊ Robert Davies. O Comité Luso-Rodesiano para Assuntos Económicos e Comerciais, 1965-1970. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 73-76. Click here to download a PDF file, size 524 kb. Also published as "The Portugal-Rhodesia Joint Trade and Economic Liaison Committee, 1965-1970," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 71-76. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 63 kb.
◊ SADCC. África Austral: pela libertação económica. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 77-90. Click here to download a PDF file, size 740 kb. Also published as "Southern Africa: towards economic liberation," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 77-84. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 90 kb.
◊ Aquino de Bragança. Savimbi: itinerário de uma contra-revolução. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 91-110. Click here to download a PDF file, size 1.6 Mb. Also published as "Savimbi: the career of a counter-revolutionary," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 85-103. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 227 kb.
◊ Colin Darch. As publicações da FRELIMO: um estudo preliminar. Estudos Moçambicanos no.2, 1981, pages 111-120. Click here to download a PDF file, size 1.2 Mb. Also published as "Published documentation of the Party Frelimo: a preliminary study," Mozambican Studies [Amsterdam] no.2, 1981, pages 104-125. Click here to download a PDF file of the English text, size 265 kb.